Welcome to the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin!

The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin on their bird banding outing at Emmons Creek, May 2023. Everyone is smiling and one person is even holding a banded bird about to be released!

The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin on their bird banding outing at Emmons Creek, May 2023. Photo by Joe Janssen


“Both of us love and have a passion for all things birding and realize that people of color are just not engaging in the outdoors enough, whether it be for exercise, hobbies, recreation or advocacy and stewardship. We want to change that,” says Galligan. “We would love for one of our events to be the catalyst for a young birder of color who gets that ‘spark’ that leads to a career in ornithology or other STEM field.” From NRF press release 09.28.2021


Mission Statement: The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin creates safe spaces for people of color in the outdoors through outdoor birding activities and events. Individuals and families of all ages and at any level of birding experience are invited and encouraged to join us, BIPOC and allies alike.

About the Club: The BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin was established in 2021 as a community of people of color who love the outdoors and the birds and beauty of natural Wisconsin and wish to connect with others who share the same passion.

While the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin seeks to promote outdoor birding activities and outdoor experiences for people of color, anyone who shares and supports our values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and access for all are welcome to join this group. We are family-friendly, and people of all ages are invited and encouraged to join us.

Experience and knowledge are not required. What is important is having a desire and willingness to see and learn about Wisconsin's birds, animals, and plants and explore its beauty with others who share the same passion and curiosity in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment.

If you’re interested in having us present for your organization, meeting, or event, please see our Speaking Requests page.

We are proud to partner and collaborate with the Feminist Bird Club - Madison chapter, the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance (formerly Madison Audubon), Wisconsin Metro Audubon Society, the Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin, and NOCS Provisions.

Meet Jeff Galligan and Dexter Patterson - BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin founders,
Rita Flores Wiskowski - Milwaukee Area Coordinator, and Sean Radcliffe - Madison Area Coordinator

Posing for a selfie on a gorgeous sunny day, Jeff on the left and Dexter on the right.

Jeff Galligan (left) and Dexter Patterson (right) posing together on a bright summer day.

Dr. Jeff Galligan is a co-founder of the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin, is a member of the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance’s (formerly Madison Audubon) board of directors, and is the director of the TRIO Student Support Services and Men of Excellence programs at Madison College. He has been an avid birder for decades and believes there needs to be a birding community for people of color along with more inclusive representation of BIPOC in the conservation and stewardship conversation in Wisconsin. It is his dream to inspire young people of color to see themselves in STEM careers at an early age and hopes the BBC can be a catalyst in that endeavor here in the greater Madison area and across Wisconsin.

Known on social media as the Wisco Birder, Dexter Patterson is on a mission to spread as much joy as possible by making his new hobby of birdwatching welcoming for all birders around the state. His Instagram followers love his energetic and exciting videos that feature him singing and dancing through the woods, finding stunning birds throughout the state, and taking gorgeous photos.

Dexter is on a mission to prove that birding is for everyone, and he hopes the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin will help make birding more inclusive not only in our greater Madison community but across the Badger state.

Rita, wearing an orange knit hat and cozy grey fleece, is standing in ankle deep water in a forested spring wetland area.

Photo of Rita by Judith Huf

Rita Flores Wiskowski is joining the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin as the Milwaukee Area Coordinator.

She is an avid birder and citizen science enthusiast. She also serves on the board of the Wisconsin Metro Audubon Society where she has been tasked with creating diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Her goal is to help to make birding safe and accessible for everyone. One of her biggest joys is to be with someone as they discover the joy and excitement of birding for the first time.

Rita believes that the more voices and experiences we bring to this hobby, the better our enjoyment, the stronger our conservation efforts, and the more promising our future will be.

Wearing a silver cap and green succulent sweatshirt, Sean is standing beside a 4-foot-tall stand of silphium perfoliatum, common name cup plant.

Sean Radcliffe (they/she) is joining the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin as the Madison Area Coordinator.

They are a Wisconsin Master Naturalist, former music teacher, absolute science nerd, and fledgling birder. She loves being able to pick the brains of so many kind and knowledgeable nature lovers and is especially excited to be part of a group that has diversity, equity, and inclusion built into its bones.

They bring a lifelong joy of helping students feel safe and welcomed, and hopes to contribute to that same atmosphere with the BIPOC Birding Club of Wisconsin.

Between events, Sean is studying math as a career change and enjoys clicker-training two fluffy house cats.

A comic created by Freya McGregor (Instagram: @the.ot.birder), capturing an experience members of the BIPOC Birding Club had in northern Wisconsin this summer. Our club is creating community for birders who are otherwise made felt unwelcome in the birding world.

Text reads: Don't be racist. Work *actively* to be anti-racist. Everybody should feel welcomes in restaurants, public places, in the outdoors, and in birding! Instagram handle @the.ot.birder

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